Hi Folks,
It’s been some time since posting, but have no fear, I am still here.
Many of you know that I host “Stitch Therapy Tuesday” every week at my studio where A group of sewing friends come to my studio for a few hours of stitching, conversation and of course, food. Yes, that’s right: we eat lunch together too.
Everyone brings her own projects to work on, which is quite interesting and informative, and we love seeing what each other is doing during the week. We bounce ideas off each other and sometimes we plan a project for a guinea pig class. We support each other in good times and not so good times, and provide “therapy” as needed. We are all members of the GNO SAGA chapter guild and have been friends for over 25 years.
Our group of about 20 participants, communicate via GroupMe app during the week while we sew. We are a driven group whose projects are quite varied. We each bring something different to the table. I would like to share with you just a few of the projects we have been working on since the quarantine. What talent!
Easter Sewing

A closeup of the project made by Barky Graziano, featuring thread replacement and cast-on flowers.

Keep in mind that this is only the photos they have shared with me, and does not include every project they are working on.
Stay tuned for Part B in a separate post.